The Equity Cost of Inter-Sector Math Misalignment: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Community College Student Outcomes

The Equity Cost of Inter-Sector Math Misalignment: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Community College Student Outcomes

The Equity Cost of Inter-Sector Math Misalignment: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Community College Student Outcomes

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  • November 4, 2020 Create Date
  • July 7, 2021 Last Updated
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Federick Ngo and Tatiana Melguizo (2020)

A new study explores the equity cost of math misalignment by examining whether it is especially detrimental for these college-ready students to begin college in developmental math courses. Researchers summarize results from a study on the experience of inter-sector math misalignment (ISMM), when students who were deemed “college-ready” by high school standards were placed in developmental courses upon enrolling in a local community college. Given that racially minoritized students are more likely to be placed into developmental education courses and report being questioned about their abilities in those courses, they may experience more negative effects of being placed into developmental courses when they are actually college-ready.

Categories: College Access, Racial Equity, Math Equity

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